1. The year ended well! We had our final "FOCUS Formal" for all of our student missionaries on the last Friday of class. It is one of my favorite events of the year because we get to honor our students. They are the reason we join focus, they are the people we get up for every day, they are the ones who do the mission with us - without them, I have no success as a missionary. But luckily for me I have them to do it with me and the faith and zeal they have for reaching their classmates inspires me and gives me hope!!
Here is a picture of the students I am blessed to work alongside all year!
And a last picture of our team all together!
And a picture of one of the Bible studies dressed up for the talent show - they did a synchronized swimming routine! It was soo fun to watch!
2. LDI: Leadership Development Initiative. This was a week long leadership training I was able to attend to prepare me to be a Team Director next year. It was awesome! We learned what it means to be a servant leader, to see the opportunity in every situation, and were taught some good people skills as well -- goals, praises, and redirects. It was fun to be with fellow missionaries in the Colorado mountains, too!
3. Driving... As you know, my right knee is out of commission -- so my sister flew down to Denver and drove me home :) She is so great! We made some jamming music, grabbed some snacks, and hit the road. Drove through rain and wind for two days straight all the way through Colorado, Wyoming, South and North Dakota!
4. PT - I've started my physical therapy! I think I can safely say this is some of the worst pain I've ever had in my entire life. But No Pain, No Gain! My knee has been straight for so long, the first thing we have to do is tear the scar tissue so we can stretch and strengthen my leg again. This morning we were able to get it to 89 degrees! It's still pretty weak, so I can't bend it well on my own... getting closer everyday, though!!
5. If you could all throw up a quick prayer that we get some sunshine, I know my farmer dad would really appreciate it! :)