I'm sorry if you are extremely sick of election stuff... this is more about post election stuff. I promise to move on to other things after this, but as a missionary, the results of the election have been a major talking point in teaching students how to live a Catholic life.
My conversations have been a lot about why the church is against the legalization of marijuana in Colorado, why the HHS mandate is an attack on religious freedom, and some on the same-sex marriage issue.
There is one issue, though, that is starting to take over my current discussions:
Rendering unto Caesar.
["But it's OBAMA!?" Yes, I know... you can read my thoughts on that matter if you haven't already.]
Anyway... this is all coming up because of the astonishing piece of news that over 40 states have filed petitions to secede from the United States!
This is going to come out as an exhortation... forgive me in advance :)
This is OUR country! This is OUR government! We can't run. If we won't fight for America, who will? We need to fight for the goodness of our country and the principles it was founded on. We voted, as a country, and Obama was elected. We need to unite as a country - one country... if we are going to bring this whole country to the under God part. That means uniting behind Obama. Yes, certain things he stands for, we disagree with - I'm not saying we have to give in - just not give up! We need to fight for what we believe in and value. We need to fight him when he is unjust; we also need to work with him on the things he is willing to work with us on. Catholics were generally more democratic until the life issue came up - meaning the democratic party has a lot of good things that we as Catholics also need to be having a say in --- our Gospel is a Gospel of life AND social justice. We also care about the common good - which, luckily, (as long as we can't change Obama being in the white house) Obama is willing to work with us about. These areas are things we CAN make a difference in right now that DO need to be reformed.
"Be soldiers." These are the words of Pope Benedict. Soldiers don't leave the battle field. Soldiers don't watch from the sidelines. Soldiers stay and fight for what they believe in.
Yeah, 'Murica! :)
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